
Comments (4)

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pov: fnati fangames back in 2016/2017 be like



Game Soundtrack

7 songs

“The Wonderful Summer Of ‘61, Such A Shame It Had To End.”

Or, Did It...

For Some Reason, You Wanted To Come Back Here, Why? The Place Has Rotted Away, And The Water Is Filled With Brain-Eating Amoeba. Another Reason Is, The Suits Are NOT Happy With You....

They’re Coming. And You Have To Do Something.

Welcome To The ISLAND...

In This Game, You Play As A Man Named “Edward” And You Decided To Come Back To Discovery Island To Finish Some Unfinished Business. There Are About 6 Suits On The Island Out For Your Blood... It’s Because Of The; sOcIaL-[DATA EXPUNGED] [DATA EXPUNGED]. Can You Survive? Or Will You Find Things Out The HARD WAY....

I’m Gonna Give You Some Tips To Help You Tonight...

To Fend Off These Suits, Shut Off A Camera Or Use A Sound To Make Them Leave Your Office. But If You Don’t? You Will Suffer A Fate WORSE Than Death....

#fnaf #fnati #fangame #analog

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

happy halloween to all!

i finally have the energy to work on this again


Office With All 6 Suits Coming Soon...

There is a story behind this, you will find out in the VHS tapes. But I will give you ONE clue. The clue is as follows:




Decipher in the comments!