Comments (132)
Will you perhaps let a translator onto your team? I made the Spanish translation for DELTATRAVELER and helped translate Undertale Yellow!
Hello! This project is interesting and the team is getting bigger. So I would like to know if I can join as a concept artist(or spriter). I can polish the character design, location concept, etc. if I have the opportunity to be part of the team as well.
If you are interested in more concept artists on the team, please let me know! I'm alway happy to work on this ongoing project! ^^
Howdy after the major success of undertale yellow I really want to see more fan games like it, if it's alright with you guys I'd love to be a play tester. Well that's all I look forward to seeing something from this game. P.S Don't feel the need to rush the game I'd rather wait a year for a great demo then a month for a rushed one sorry for rambling on so long
I'll be keeping an eye on this project.
Hi, i'm an 2D/3D animator, spriters and musician i wanted to know if i can work with you guys, i want to share too a bunch of ideas about characters design and character ideas that might interest you, final boss and boss design, because like you i want to make a Undertale Blue game, i really love Undertale Yellow, honestly i never worked in team, and i want to be a great animator this is why it will be a great opportunity to work with you.
A unofficial prequel to Toby Fox's Undertale, which follows Grace, the SOUL of Integrity.
#undertale #fangame #rpg #pixelart #gamedev