Virtual Girlfriend Night 5: Denouement
Atticus forgot 2 of his 112 ex-girlfriends that have been causing him unending nightmares. Can he forget the rest of them with the help of 630 DLCS?
Maybe Atticus will succumb to his nightmares.
Maybe he will prevail.
What happens to him is forever unknown until you play the final Isaac DLC in the Girlfriend series.
Virtual Girlfriend Night 4 (432 DLCS)
433. Katie76 (First in a series of Katie Remakes)
434. Katie77 (2nd Katie Remake)
435. Katie78 (3rd Katie Remake)
436. Katie79 (4th Katie Remake)
437. Katie80 (5th Katie Remake)
438. Katie81 (6th Katie Remake)
439. Katie82 (7th Katie Remake)
440. Katie83 (8th Katie Remake)
441. Septette for the Dead Katlee (adds 2 items related to Black MIDI)
442. The Second 242 (DLC to Allie: 312 Days)
443. The Binding of Abby: Afterbirth (DLC to Abby: Antibirth)
444. The Binding of Abby: Afterbirth+ (DLC to Abby: Afterbirth)
445. The Binding of Abby: Abbybirth (DLC to Abby: Afterbirth+)
446. The Binding of Abby: Abbybirth- (Joke DLC)
447. The Binding of Abby: Abbybirth+ (DLC to Abbybirth)
448. The Binding of Abby: Abbybirth_ (DLC to Abbybirth+)
449. The Binding of Abby: Antideath (DLC to Abbybirth_)
450. The Binding of Abby: Afterdeath (Final Abby DLC)
451. 360° (first in a new series of DLC)
452. 360°: Antibirth (second 360° game)
453. 360°: Antideath (third 360° game)
454. 360°: Afterbirth (fourth 360° game)
455. 360°: Afterdeath (fifth 360° game)
456. 360°: Rebirth (sixth 360° game)
457. 360°: Rebirth+ (seventh 360° game)
458. 360°: Girlbirth (eighth 360° game)
459. Haylee: Daddy’s Little Girl (first in a new Haylee Series, referred to as Haylee X)
460. Haylee: Daddy’s Little Girlfriend (2nd Haylee X Game)
461. Haylee: Daddy’s Little Lady (3rd Haylee X)
462. Haylee: Daddy’s Little Lady V2 (4th Haylee X)
463. Haylee’s 18th Birthday (5th Haylee X)
464. Haylee’s 21st Birthday (6th Haylee X Game)
465. Andrew (first andrew game)
466. Andrew Fest (2nd andrew game)
467. Andrew Party (3rd andrew game)
468. Andrew: Bloodlust (4th andrew game)
469. Andrew: Satan’s Son (5th andrew game)
470. Andrew: Delirium (6th andrew game)
471. Andrew: Blood Ring (7th andrew game)
472. Andrew: Blood Tower (8th andrew game)
473. Andrew: Murder Fest (9th Andrew Game)
474. Andrew: Rapture (10th andrew game)
475. Andrew: Golden Rapture (11th andrew game)
476. Andrew: Bloodbath (12th andrew game)
477. Andrew: Golden Bloodbath (13th andrew game)
478. Andrew: Murder Bloodbath (14th andrew game)
479. Murder Death Andrew Land (15th andrew game)
480. Andrew/Isaac (16th andrew game)
481. Andrew/Atticus (17th andrew game)
482. Andrew/Aspen (18th andrew game)
483. Andrew/Kayleigh (19th andrew game)
485. Andrew vs Atticus (21st andrew game)
486. Andrew: After the Eternal Flame (22nd Andrew Game)
487. Origins of Andrew (23rd Andrew Game)
488. Playful Adalyn (1st Addy game)
489. Death Party (24th andrew game)
490. Ultimate Andrew Death Party (25th andrew game)
491. ANDREW BROKE THE JAR! (26th andrew game)
492. Andrew escapes (27th andrew game)
493. Murderous Adalyn (2nd Addy game)
494. Morbid Adalyn (3rd Addy Game)
495. Home with Atty (1st Atty Game)
496. Home with Atty: Package (2nd Atty Game)
497. Home with Atty: GoGuardian Simulator (3rd Atty Game)
498. Nighttime with Atty (4th Atty Game)
499. Silly Atty (5th Atty Game)
500. BALLISTIC! (6th Atty Game)
501. DLC 500+1 (Joke DLC)
502. Tiger Tech (colors all hud stats)
503. Tech Tips 411 (Joke DLC)
504. Rebirth Sanctuary (adds 2 angelic items)
505. Atty: Saints Row (sequel to Layla: Saints Row)
506. Allie: Atty (adds some unused Allie items to VGFN5)
508. Google Classroom (Joke DLC)
509. ALEKS (Joke DLC)
510. Anibabe: Light Girlfriend (UCN theme DLC)
511. Anibabe: Dark Girlfriend (Adds more animatronics to light girlfriend)
513. Layla76
514. Bro. Just watch a rom-com. (Joke DLC)
515. ITS NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU! (Adds low pitched Girlfriend Roleplay music playing during the Girlfriend Count Challenge)
516. Challenge Balance (balances the Rubik’s Cube Challenges)
517. Achievements Fixed (fixes mose of the achievements)
518. Girlfriend Requiem (Adds more animatronics to Anibabe: Dark GF)
519. THE WORD GIRLFRIEND IS UNHOLY!!! (Katie themed reskin of Lethal Love; not to be confused with Katie 3: Unholy Girlfriend)
520. Requiem of Kayleigh (Buffs Mangle)
521. FL STUDIO MAX TEMPO! (Pitches up music when using the Broken Watch)
522. MINIMUM (pitches down music when using the Stop Watch)
523. Its not like Layla likes you (Joke DLC)
524. EXCELSIOR! (Adds 2 items related to the movie Unidentified)
525. Kayleigh Row: Get out of Hell (Joke DLC)
526. 200 more than Lethal Love (Joke DLC)
527. Kayleigh Rebirth (adds 2 items related to Isaac DLCS)
528. Allie Rebirth (Removes 1 Kayleigh Rebirth item, but adds 1 Allie item)
529. Requiem (adds 1 item)
530. Ashes to ashes, lust to lust (adds 2 items related to love)
532. 100. 100. 100. 100. (Joke DLC)
533. InSaNe (Joke DLC)
534. For my Girlfriends (adds 2 items, reduced to 1)
535. The Nuker 3 (adds 2 items, reduced 1)
536. Afterbirth- is out! (Joke DLC)
538. The Bite of 399993 (adds 2 3993 items)
539. The Revenant (adds 2 items about the movie “The Revenant”)
540. 4 wives are inpossible to find (adds 2 items about love)
541. Stats for nerds 2 (shows the names of the Dark Worlds)
542. JODITE!!! (Adds 2 more items related to Unidentified)
543. Rebirth is Afterbirth (adds 2 items from Yandere Girlfriend Rebirth)
544. The Salvage (adds 6 cards themed around the FNaF animatronics)
545. Layla’s Perfect Boyfriend (Father’s Day update for Layla 11)
546. Christmas Pee, Christmas Tree (Joke DLC)
547. S H O W E R ? ! ! ! (JOKE DLC)
548. Ultimate Night (adds the Kayla Updates)
549. Kayla’s Sister (Mother’s Day update for Kayla: Rebirth)
550. The Third 2:42 (Non Canonical DLC)
551. Kayla’s Dad (Father’s Day update to Kayla: Rebirth)
552. Kayla’s Turkey (Thanksgiving update to Kayla: Rebirth)
553. Kayla’s Toys (Christmas Update to Kayla: Rebirth)
554. Kayla’s 87th Birthday (New Year update to Kayla: Rebirth)
555. 15 HUNDRED!! (Joke DLC)
556. 40 hundred thousand (Joke DLC)
557. Kayla’s Boyfriend (Valentine’s Day update to Kayla: Rebirth)
558. Calendar Layla (Pi Day update for Layl9)
559. Nightmare Fredbear (Joke DLC)
560. Girlfriend Death (adds 1 item)
561. Girlfriend 67 Make-out Mode (Joke DLC)
562. Afterbirth - - (Joke DLC)
563. Ego Death (adds 2 items)
564. Ego GF (joke dlc)
565. The Grand Final (adds 3 items)
566. The Disappearance of Attyatty (Joke DLC)
567. After Birth (Joke DLC)
568. Cliffhanger (adds a new ending)
569. Cliff Hanger (Joke DLC)
570. Dark Afterbirth (adds 2 items)
571. Dark Rebirth (Nerfs the Forgotten)
572. Taking of Rumia (Halloween reskin for Layl9 floors; added as a perk)
573. Rebirth of Rumia (Halloween reskin of Subseries floors; added as a perk)
574. Dark Rapture (adds an alternate credit theme)
575. Almost there (Joke DLC)
576. Girlfriend 87 (adds 2 items about the Bite of 87)
577. Niinbirth+++ (DLC to Niinbirth)
578. Boyfriend 39 (adds 2 items about the Bite of 39)
579. ALL ODD NUMBERS!!! (Joke DLC)
580. Multiplication. (Joke dlc)
581. The 6 GF Roleplays (adds a chance for a surprise at the end of the credits roll)
582. Tashi MP3 Revealed (adds a secret song in the game files when you do very specific steps...)
583. FNAF theme (adds FNAF: UCN voiceovers when you use the 6 FNAF cards from the Salvage)
584. Eternal Fires (adds 2 items about the Fire of ‘67)
585. GREAT JOB! (Joke DLC)
586. FANTASTIC! (Joke DLC)
587. AMAZING! (Joke DLC)
589. PERFECT! (Joke DLC)
591. The 87th Teeth (buffs the Teeth of Niin item)
592. Older Days (adds the Kayleigh soundtrack to arcade rooms)
593. 200 more than 393 (adds 2 9 items)
594. Facebook (Joke DLC)
595. This is INSANE (adds a new perk)
596. Old Schoool (makes the game look like a CRT monitor; added as a perk)
597. Keep Track (Removes the Heads-Up Display / HUD; added as a perk)
598. Ice Skating Rink ‘87 (makes the play slip around everywhere; added as a perk)
599. Final Step (JOKE DLC)
600. The Fearful Reflection (adds the Nightmarionne Card)
601. Satan’s Wrath ( adds different credit music after every win )
602. Saints Row 5 (Joke DLC)
603. Geometry Dash (Joke DLC)
604. Joke DLC (Joke DLC)
605. Almost (Joke DLC)
606. Gay BF’s Second Reckoning (DLC to Gay BF Got Reborn)
607. Gay GF’s Second Reckoning (DLC to gay gf got reborn)
608. Lesbian GF’s Second Reckoning (DLC to Lesbian GF 2)
609. All of them died. (Adds Lesbian Gf to Gay BF and GF die in the rapture)
610. Niinbirth++ (DLC to Niinbirth+)
611. Nightmare Kayleigh (Adds Nightmare Kayleigh as an item)
612. Nightmare Tammy (Adds Nightmare Tammy as an item)
613. Nightmare Layla (Adds Nightmare Layla as an item)
614. Nightmare Katie (Adds Nightmare Katie as an item)
615. Nightmare Haylee (Adds Nightmare Haylee as an item)
616. Nightmare Allie (Adds Nightmare Allie as an item)
617. Nightmare Atticus (Adds Nightmare Atticus as an item)
618. Nightmare Nate (Adds Nightmare Nate as an item)
619. GC (Adds GC as an item)
620. The 39th 39 (adds one 39 item)
621. You know when achievements are disabled. (Stops showing when achievements are disabled)
622. Russell Wynn (adds 1 item about the movie Hell House)
624. The Golden Chariot (Joke DLC)
625. Toilet Story (Joke DLC)
626. The Destroyer (buffs Chris)
627. Toilet Story 2 (Joke dlc)
628. PI TIMES 2 IS TAU!!! (Joke DLC)
629. Toilet Story 3 (Joke DLC)
630. THE REAL END!!!! I’M FREE!!!! (Actual Ending) #arcade #fnaf #other #layla #takingoflayla #girlfriend #gf #virtualgirlfriendnight #denouement #vgfnight #virtualgfnight #thetakingoflayla #isaac #bindingofisaac #action #retro #roguelike #strategy