Comments (8)
Very good start! I included it in my Dreamhack Summer Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/UpECdbVd1yU
Hey be aware ! I have a weird slowdown issue on my decent computer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSnUtMiXP-k&feature=youtu.be
Top-down shooters, love 'em! And the beginnings of the concept are looking pretty good for this game so far.
It's evidently an early test demo, so we only have one weapon to use for now, but everything seems to be functional aside from a few bugs that prevent you from proceeding quite as far through this opening teaser level we have in front of us.
The old school graphics are the thing I adore the most, reminds me of my many hours playing the original Syndicate game on the Amiga back in the day (I may be aging myself there!), and with some more tweaks and fixes here and there this can be something I'll play for hours too!
Now and again my character will start going super slow whilst all of my enemies maintain their hyper speed, making survival all but impossible! Dead enemies also cause damage when walked over, and I'm not sure if that's intentional or not (I posited some theories on why it may not be a mistake in my playthrough haha!) and occasionally enemies that you've killed will continue firing their weapons.
But this is all stuff that I'm sure the dev is working on fixing and ironing out and I have confidence that I can come back to this game sometime in the future and play a much more well-rounded, fleshed-out game! So keep up the great work, and let's see some more of this =)