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Based on Kane Carter's POPGOES
>d i d y o u f o r g e t a b o u t m e ?
>i d i d n ' t f o r g e t y o u .
>i a m s t i l l h e r e .
>r e l e a s e m e
>r e l e a s e m e
>r e l e a s e m e
>r e l e a s e m e
>r e l e a s e m e
>r e l e a s e m e
POPGOES Pizzeria is a fan adaptation of POPGOES (2015), the scrapped original vision for the first POPGOES game. Featuring terrifying new gameplay, a reimagined story that pays homage to unused characters and concepts from across the series's history and plenty more. We're still very early in development, but we're working hard to bring this game back to life for you as soon as we can.
Our old page:
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use
Comical Shenanigans
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