Comments (232)
Anybody here from Markiplier ?
This game is nuts man! Very innovative, I wish more people would think out of the box like this does.
Dang, I wish I could play this on my Chromebook!! :-( Looks amazing, really want to get into it.
MAC version?
Ho appena giocato alla nuova versione e sono impressionato dalla professionalità con cui avete portato avanti l'ottimizzazione grafica, scenica e performante del gioco.
Ora lo followo senza dubbio :D
Mirror Layers - Escape Room Prologue (2021)
Mirror Layers - Asylum Jam Version (2016)
Game Soundtrack

Play the new version!
New GameJolt Page:
Asylum Jam Version
We ask you only to give us a part of you: Part of your identity.
#MirrorLayers is a social #horror game made for the #asylumjam2016
Help us to gather more informations about this strange world cooperating with other people