Comments (36)
How to beat: YAFF - CN: The Golden Rules
This is a pretty easy custom night to beat, actually!
In order to max it out, you'll need to utilize the game's weaknesses (aka the glitches lol).
Let's check out our Animatronics! There is 6 of them in total, separated in 3 Columns (not the ones in-game):
Fredbear & Freddy: These animatronics attack from the Hallway in front of you. You can see if they are about to attack using your Flashlight (press "Z"). Fredbear has 2 Stages, one where he is on the right of the hallway and one where he is directly in front of you.
Bonnie & Springbonnie: These mascots will attack from the Vent behind you. You can see if they are about to attack using your Flashlight (press "Z").
Puppet and Sh4d0w Fr3ddy: These robots require the Cameras to be delt with ("S" to open). The Marionette has a Music Box mechanic, and Shadow Freddy materializes ONLY when you are in the cameras.
To fend off the animatronics in the 3rd column (Puppet & Shadow Freddy), all you have to do is use a glitch in the game that completely nullifies their power:
Open cams.
Go to the Prize Corner Camera (CAM 06).
Hold the Puppet's Music Box button.
While holding it, press "S" to close the camera system.
Just like that, in a matter of ~3 seconds you have pulled off a glitch that keeps the Music Box from draining. You DO NOT need to open the cameras for the rest of the night (in fact you must not, in order for the glitch to work). As a result, Shadow Freddy is now also rendered completely useless.
For the rest of the animatronics, you must check in front of you (Hallway) and behind you (Vent). If you see an Animatronic, immediately shut the respective door and open it after approximately 3 seconds. Then, the animatronics will have left.
!!! Keep in mind that Fredbear has 2 stages. If you see him to the right, you are safe. However, if he's directly in front of you, you have to shut the door !!!
Towards the end of the night:
Eventually, you will be unable to close the doors, since your Power will have run out. If you have followed the previous steps and haven't wasted any power, then don't panic. You will be safe for the next 10 seconds, at which point the night ends.
Congratulations! You have completed the ALL MAX MODE for: Yet Another Fredbear Fangame - Custom Night!
This is a really fun UCN-Style Game!
It is set in a claustrophobia-inducing office, where you wait for the animatronics to attack from the vent right behind you or the door directly in front of you. The close proximity of the animatronics and their creepy poses when they are coming after you are truly terrifying!
When it comes to graphics, the game is visually appealing.
The camera system looks really nice and has its own little VHS-Style static to it. There is plenty of cameras to check out, in which the mascots have really eerie poses! The UI of the cameras, though, does not blend in that well.
The game does however have its problems:
Needless to say, I appreciate the work of every single developer and these comments and suggestions are purely for the sake of constructive criticism. In my opinion, this game would be absolutely amazing if these changes were to be implemented.
The explanation of the game mechanics is written in not-so-great English, which really breaks the immersion and has you laughing instead of cowering in fear at the start of the game.
The gameplay itself is unoriginal and eventually the gameplay cycle becomes repetitive and mundane (check door, check vent, repeat). This is particularly disappointing, considering that a lot of work went into making the game mechanics perfectly balanced.
There is also quite a few bugs that make the game extremely easy to beat and remove any sense of challenge from it, as well as some simply annoying glitches, such as audio constantly being interrupted and cut.
The jumpscares seem a little out of place, as if they have been photoshopped onto the game and Fredbear's is just a little too quick and goofy.
The sound design could be significantly improved by adding original sound ques and I feel like a cutscene for beating the max mode would really add a lot to the game. Also, when both Bonnie and Springbonnie are in the vent at the same time, they look a bit weird.
Looks good!
So the game i will be open source and i will be able to change the code later, right?
the remake still happening?
[OLD] Yet Another Fredbear Fangame Custom Night
welcome to Yeet Another Fredbear Fangame

1993 , fredbear family diner is the new form of entertainment for childrens , where happens some birthdays , partys and etc , but hey! Why don't you come to work as security guard , need to survive 12 - 6 AM for mondays to fridays , you can handle this?

@DemonsEyesProductions - Code , Rooms Models
@realscawthon - Fredbear and FNaF
ItzBunnySFM - Fredbear props models
Alezbonilma - Fredbear and friends models
@kevin_saint - Coding help
#fnaf #fangame #other #horror #arcade #retro
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