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A Trail of Breadcrumbs

Version: 0.1.1about 8 years ago

A Trial of Breadcrumbs is an interaction fiction game made for # Asylumjam 2016. Based upon the folk tale of Hansel and Gretel, two children must consider the implications of being alone in the forest.

The first third of the story was finished in the 48 hours of the jam. After the voting period is finished, this game will continue to be developed.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Dev update #7- Game Jam Version Finished!

Dev update #6- Early Demo!

Dev update #5- Not a twine image!

A work in progress preview of the layout I’ll be using for the game (right image blurred to avoid spoilers).

Dev update #4- Schedule

As I work Sundays, and consequently Monday mornings, the rest of my time spent on this game will be divided up to Sunday night and Monday afternoon. Hoping to submit on Monday night. (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Dev update #3- Plan done!

I may have gone slightly out of scope. But that’s part of the fun, right? Bonus: very spooky gif. Don’t click if you want to avoid spoilers! (