Among Us Classic Android
Among Us Classic iOS
Region File (You Need This To Play The Game)
Note : This game is not made by me, but I will put the game link as a file TXT and open it, you will find a Mediafire link and download the game. The method for downloading the game is at the end of the description. Now I don’t know, but let’s start.
It's Among Us but in its early days when it was a simple game consisting of ten players, one of whom is a killer and the investigators must find this killer and expel him from their ship. It's Among Us but in its early days when it was a simple game consisting of ten players one of whom is a killer and the investigators must find this killer and expel him from their ship and after that other maps were added such as Mira HQ and POLUS The game clothes were limited at that time, but here in this game everything is exactly the same as the first game. You can try it now.
PC , Android , iOS
PC Verison You must have the original Among Us version (purchased)And The Mobile Version its Free