Comments (15)
fuck you
what's 9+10?
why is he fat and why does he have hair? this ain't the 21 kid i know

wtf (what the flip) is this the 21 mod??? with the 21 kid???
FNF - 9 + 10 (Anniversary Update)
FNF - 9 + 10 (Post-Apocalypse)
FNF - Vs. 9 + 10 Kid
Game Soundtrack
"whats 9 plus 10? twenty one."
A FNF mod made under 24 hours while 9/10/21 day was in effect. I was the one to provide the concept and helped with some of the art while my friend justisaac017 brought together some of his pals and did the rest of the assets and coding.
After the 9/10 Build was created, an update was initially planned for the mod, adding more content to the game while redoing already existing assets. This "remaster" was then cancelled, but from the rubble and debris came Post-Apocalypse, a mod of smaller scale simply meant to wrap up what was already done for the mod pre-cancellation.
A few months following the Post-Apocalypse was released, the programmer and director/artist came together to reflect on what could be done to improve the already existing build, first as a joke. After starting, though, they soon gathered a team and made an Anniversary Update, touching up smaller details and overall polishing the mod.
Highlights (Anniversary Update)
One week, two songs, two difficulties (NORMAL + HARD).
The title and main menus have been merged into one. Dear god...
Lore that flips the existing 9/10/21 story on its head and manages to provide you with something new.
An updated "XTRAS" tab in the menu, with achievements along with it.
i hope it becomes a meme again tbh
Highlights (Post-Apocalypse)
One week, two songs, one difficulty (HARD).
The custom menu song is still this, but this time we have a custom intro to go along with it! :)
Lore that flips the existing 9/10/21 story on its head and manages to provide you with something new.
A bonus "XTRAS" tab in the menu.
wasn't this mod about an outdated meme or smthn
Highlights (9/10 Build)
One week, one song, one difficulty (HARD).
A custom menu song containing a more foreboding tone.
"Lore" that flips the existing 9/10/21 story on its head and manages to provide you with something new.
this previously mentioned "lore" is several paragraphs long and was crammed into the game as pre-song dialogue, sorry for that
Credits (Anniversary Update)
- Ownership
, @Pearly2020
- Art/Animation
, @justonenumber7
- Music
@CORTHONtwenone - Lore/Writing
ย - Coding
, @SuxxorStatemtent, @__Hawk
- Charting
Credits (Post-Apocalypse)
@CORTHONtwenone - Ownership
, @FreshWoomyS, @Pearly2020 - Art/Animation
, @justonenumber7
- Music
- Lore/Writing
- Coding
, @AtlasSux - Charting
Credits (9/10 Build)
- Ownership
, @justisaac017
, Garden Asada - Art/Animation
, @justonenumber7
- Music
- "Lore"
- Coding
- Charting
Zencel - Zencel
Q: What's 9 + 10?
A: Play the mod and find out.
Q: Can the Anniversary Update be considered a "remaster" to the mod?
A: Well, yes and no.
The update was made with the intention to be a crutch to something bigger, and was just a fun little thing to celebrate the original meme and mod. Although, yes, in all technicality, it can be considered a remaster to Post-Apocalypse.
So really, just depends on how you look at it.
Q: 21 Kid looks a bit off, what's up with that?
A: Haha, sorry! That's on us. While Isaac and I were making the 21 Kid sprites we messed up the design a bit, which we didn't even notice before people started pointing it out.
Q: What's with the custom lore?
A: During the development of the 9/10 build I thought that it'd be fun to make up some lore for the 21 Kid. Combine that with my lack of knowledge behind the 9 + 10 = 21 meme at the time, and things managed to spiral out of hand pretty quickly.
Instead of Azavier, we had Derek the prophet. By the time I realized my inaccuracies, it was too late and the name had already stuck.
Q: Is this a GameToons episode?
A: Very funny, but no.
Q: How come @justisaac017 is listed as the owner of the 9/10 build and @AtlasSux as the owner of the Anniversary Update?
A: Alright, so, a little confession (which was stated in the description above, actually): I wasn't really there during a majority of development at the time. I was able to assist Isaac in making Derek's sprite, but other than that Isaac did everything else while I was away: setting up a team, getting everything together, etc.
I personally believe that the role of ownership/director belongs to him - go and check out Isaac's stuff! He makes really good music which you can find on his YouTube channel, and it's thanks to him that the mod was able to be released in the first place.
As for Suxxor... well, he just. Took over.
Q: Any updates planned to release in the future?
A: Unfortunately not. We had initially had a hotfix planned that turned into a third update, but we lost motivation.
Derek's chromatic scale is in the files, though. Take it and do whatever you please.