"PEEPS" - Tee-Jay 2016
Huh, so you came here for a serious docummentry about a boy who just lost her mother... because if you actually did...
YOU CAME TO THE WRONG PLACE! Surprising, I know, even the title sounds menacing.
Meet Tee-Jay, not loved by all, the life of the party, the golden streamer, you name him, of course, you can call him Queen Dingle Berry for all I care. Well anyways, he is a normal person like you, but after one single fortune cookie determines his future...
I think you can guess what happens. Right? It's just like a fantasy story.
Exciting features such as...
More peeps.
Even more peeps.
Changable party members.
Game references.
Totally rad story.
Well, um, this was kind of exciting, but I better be off, I've got quite a few games to program. Oh and mean one.
This one. :)