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It's a game I'm working on that transforms the life of me and my friends into a cliche anime RPG. It also has many inside jokes and references, as well as a other unfunny jokes. Beware, extended exposure to this game without proper protective equipment may cause irreversible brain damage.

But seriously, I hope this game will at least be mediocre and have a decent story. While I am trying to work for it to have a bit of a more open style, encouraging a bit of exploration but for the most part having a linear story, similar to Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past. (please don't take down my project for mentioning one of your games, Nintendo) The game will likely be pretty short, at the most around 3 to 4 hours long. I likely don't have all the time or skills to make this a grand as I envision it—after all, it is my first project—but I hope it will still be an okay game and a give me a good bit of experience for future projects.

Story (WIP): A kid named Ben (this is not me if your asking) somehow entered a rift created by a timeline jumping parasite known as the Kal that are invading all of the known timelines and destroying them. As Ben jumps into the rift, he blacks out and wakes up in a dark, void like place where the only visible thing is a small crystal path that leads into the darkness. After walking for a little while, he soon comes across a blue symbol on the ground, but is stopped by the thundering voice of the guardian of the timelines and tells Ben that he is the only one who can stop the Kal. (Pretty crappy guardian if you need a mortal to do your job for you, but okay.) He informs him that he must travel to Timeline 12 and locate the source rift of the Kal and destroy it. He is also told that he now temporary posses the body of his 12th Timeline self, which is much more suited to take on such a threat. Without a moment left to spare, he is then whisked away to the 12th Timeline to gather his friends and destroy the source rift.

Now, If you want anymore of the story, you're just going to have to play the game for yourself. Some of the other main characters include a mage named Dougie who has an exceptionally well understanding of how timelines work, ME (surprise surprise) who's a bit of an egotistic dumbass, and Mr. Bones who's literally the best character in the game. He'll probably be the character who gets made into bunch of plushies and has their own spin-off pinball game for mobile phones, but, I digress.

I will release a few early builds of the game probably, but I don't see a full release anytime soon. Surprisingly, even crap like this takes time to make. I am just one person after all, so don't be too surprised if I'm still working on the game a year from now or longer, if at all.

Note: The in game graphics will not be made with paint. I will use the graphics either already packaged with RPG Maker or I will find some off the internet. Either way, little to none of the in-game graphics belong to me. Also, the music in the game will likely not be my own work, so I don't take credit for that either. The game will likely be free, however, if you see your work in my game and would like to be credited, leave it in the comments and I will add your name to the credits of the game or something. I may take a while for me to notice it, but I'll try to be aware of any comments.

(P.S. This is all still a WIP and is all subject to change. If you have any ideas for what you think would be good or bad in the game, comment it. If you love or absolutely despise a build of the game, leave why in the comments. The only comments I won't listen too are comments made by 12 year olds who comment stuff like "kys you fukcin fag" or shit like that. Basically my own comments.)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use
Comical Shenanigans
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