
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Where i can find it?

This open world game is about you going around the map collect coins and special bean's. I am making this game because i am intrested in making games and would like if you would play when it is out and have fun and tell me what i can improve on in my game. #adventure #action #puzzle #shooter

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

There is now a New release of the game. there is the AI enemys in the game now. and i put a random bit of water in there as well. i hope you guys enjoy this release and please give feed back as i really need it. :)


I made some water for the game. It was made because it looks cool :)


Here is what the enemy's health bar looks like i Hope you guys like it and in the next update that you guys can play with i hope you guys like it too.


There is a new release i Hope you guys like the Gun's.

you just need a scroll wheel then you can get the guns.


Here's what the Automatic Rifle looks like in the game but it will not be the Finial stuff this is just to get something out because I like make things look nice. Hope you guys Enjoy!!

Here is the Pistol model this will change over time I hope you guys like it and hope you guys are wanting to see the next Alpha.

Ok this video is mainly about my youtube but it has some game play so hope you enjoy the game play

What have I been doing for the last 4 month????
sorry for not uploading in the last 4 months I hope this video is good enuf for you guys.also sorry about my voice I have a blocked nosehere is the GameJolt ...

I made a font for the game and i hope you guys like the font


here is the special bean collectable. in the next time i update the game it will be there. I just have to make a new model of the bean since the old one sucked ass hope it looks good.


This is what I am going to work on for now and if you guys have any suggestions please let me know.