
Comments (4)

What do you think?

silly fun game! add more to it!

PLEASE continue this game, add more dialogue, amazing idea.


Blind Date: Fishy Business

Version: 2.5.0over 5 years ago

A game about dating a fish, haha, it has three endings depending on your affection level with the fish #retro #textadventure #other

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

so, next update to fishy business may be the last one, i intend on adding achievements, and with that my game system will be complete and i will get to work on my next project, a really cool visual novel titled "when winter comes", using this same system.

NEW UPDATE, now you can save your game, if you hit "z" on your keyboard you can now access a menu with three options: save game, load game and back to title screen. you also have 3 whole save slots available to save your fishy adventures.

Just did a major interface update to test some ideas since i will be using this game system on 3 new games, hope you guys like it, added a few menu sounds too, no music atm, the build is already online and ready to be played, enjoy