Simulation of a centrifuge in space.
Game controls:
Rotate centrifuge "forward": keyboard UP arrow
Rotate centrifuge "backward": keyboard DOWN arrow
Switch to Camera 1 (inertial frame): keyboard "1"
Switch to Camera 2 (rotating frame): keyboard "2"
Pan/tilt camera: mouse right click and drag
Other notes:
Note that there is an invisible impellor that interacts with the free-floating objects inside the centrifuge. This was placed so the free objects would be made to rotate with the centrifuge, even when they were not in contact with the wall.
"Centrifugal force" is measured using a physical "scale" that rotates with the centrifuge, and whose test mass (1 kg) compresses a virtual spring proportionally to the amount of centrifugal force applied to the mass (i.e., |F| = mv^2/r).