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A game I made while I was bored. I may turn this into a full fledge game with custom backgrounds, legitimate gameplay, and other stuff that I'm keeping as an idea for later. Don't expect that to happen anytime soon(as in, the next 2-3 months) though. Although I might be lucky and have time to do those things. But as of right now, the game is still just a way of mocking Youtube 2017.


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What's happening now?

I’m just lazing about. I’m wasting my time as a pathetic waste of space for now. I will get to making an update eventually… ᵉᵛᵉᶰᵗᵘᵃᶫᶫʸ.

Next Update

The next update for the game will contain a work-in-progress menu (in the room you can’t access, which is probably easy to code), slightly stylized buttons, and tile sets for miscellaneous use. I don’t know when I’ll get to it though.
