Comments (11)
It's hard but interesting. I'm gonna be spending a few days playing this. My fingers hurt already. :P
Got stuck:
Good game. Congrats!
Very familiar software.
Has some problems and it doesn't feel like puzzle software.
More of that: Trial and error stuff.
Mr. Beef
Wow thats nice :) what about to make a flash port for it :) I could make one if u want when I became free :)
I like the idea. Although some of the sprites can be better looking, like the keys and the clone spawn arrows. But It's a good game.
CLONE is an action packed puzzle game where you have to create clones of yourself to complete the level.
The controls in this game are
Z to jump
X to spawn clones
Right arrow to create a spawnpoint for the basher clone
Down arrow to create a spawnpoint for the normal clone
Up arrow to create a spawnpoint for the highjumping clone