
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This should go commercial.i can help with testing, and aother small things/ideas .Awesome game. You should jhoin RPGMaker,net.

So glad to see this new version,i ask you for a fixed link years ago om you tube. Can ask if you are drom Sweden,as i am.? Any new RPGs on the schema?


Extended Fullversions (ULTIMATE)

Version: 1.1.0over 6 years ago
Fullversions with extended bonus content, like in-game expansion packs including new sidequests, weapons, characters, music etc!


Version: 1.0.0over 8 years ago
Fullversion release, WITHOUT expansion packs with extra content

19/4 - 2022

The game will be expanded further in the future!!!


7/10 - 2018 - First EXTENDED FULLVESION released, ULTIMATE PACK!

Whats new?

  • 4 new magics
    *3 new weapons

  • 3 new bosses
    3 new secret treasures
    3 new areas
    1 new song
    1 new status ailment
    *1 new item

I might do more small expansion updates now and then

A boy walks upon a hill thinking about life and the universe, curious to find out whats out there. One day he finds out he has magical powers, something that will change his life forever...

Choose between 6 Jobs:



Each job class can do different things, special skills only avaliable when in that job class:
Smith speciality : Forge
Bard speciality : Play Harp
Scholar speciality : Read/Study

Thief Speciality: Steal in battle, open locked doors
Mage Speciality: Obtain Magics by leveling up (don't need to buy magics)
Soldier Speciality: Use the Megaguard to protect one ally from psychical/magic damage. Can also destory thick walls.

Do certain quests to earn money. If youre a Smith you earn money by forging things, Bard , by playing harp to people/tame monsters with the harp, scholar , by reading and studying books!

You can change JOB CLASS at "Corla's Workshop" in "Myconid District", and in other places during the storyline of the game. A Smith cannot do a Bard - quest and a Bard cannot do a Smith - quest etc

#rpg #treesoulkingdom #tsk #adventure #retro #puzzle #jrpg #roleplayinggame #finalfantasy #fantasy #scifi #sciencefiction #crystal #magic #magiccrystal #sidequest #sidequests #story #boss #bosses #turnbased #battlesystem

Mild Fantasy Violence


Whats new?

* 4 new magics
*3 new weapons
* 3 new bosses
*3 new secret treasures
*3 new areas
*1 new song
*1 new status ailment
*1 new item

I might do more small expansion updates now and then


SURPRISE!! Tomorrow we're releasing Tree Soul Kingdom 2018 ULTIMATE PACK! An updated fullversion with extra sidequests, bosses and weapons!

Stay tuned!

Download here tomorrow: …