Comments (2)
You should probably drop the demo here because when people see a wip game on Reddit, they search it up on Gamejolt. If you put the demo here, you'll get feedback earlier on into the development so there's nothing left hanging!
Otherwise, this is amazing!
Just get the game out there more! Everytime I see it on reddit, I go "WOW THATS SO FUCKING COOL" but there's never a call to action.
Just something a simple as "Check out the demo for my game" and some images of the game and maybe a video or gif.
But really though! I love it!
Curved Space is an intense synthwave shooter about battling cosmic energy spiders across warped, physics-defying battlefields. It is a dizzying modern take on the classic arcade shooter set across a surreal universe of space-bending arenas. Bullets, beams and bizarre alien energy spiders alike curve and warp around the surface of asteroids, space stations and physics-defying mobius strips. All of this accompanied by a pounding ‘80s-inspired synthwave soundtrack courtesy of FiXT.
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#action #scifi #shooter #shmup #shootemup #retro #twinstickshooter #arcade #scoreattack #soundtrack