Comments (63)

Idk man these red looking kinda sus
will any characters have special abilities?
May I ask, can Pong be played in Android?
Do you need music for your game? I would gladly love to make music for this game! just let me know if you want me too :3
Baldi Pong
Custom Pong 2020 Prototype
This is just a prototype.Please be patient and we will add features as soon as possible
1-New Modes
2-Characters from different games
4- Power Ups
5-1vs1 and 2v2 (local multiplayer)
6-Lava , Water , spikes , saw e.t.c. round
7-Now with musics and sounds
and more.
1-can u add online multiplayer?
ans : no but maybe u can use any software ?
2-can u add multiple endings?
ans: Really? This is not a story game
3-can u add (a.b.c)
ans: yes , write in comment
4-is there will linux , mac versions ?
ans : I will try my best
5-is there will android version ?
ans: It is not decided yet so for now it is no
if u have more question write in comments
@ScienceJ : Coder
@falahmumtaz : Spriter
@ChristoffOfficial : Musician