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You play as a police officer investigating an abohndoned labratory where years ago the experiments broke loose and rampaged the lab and now a distress beacon deep with the facility was activated journey with an old employee as you venture deeper. This halls hold secrets everyone knows about the monsters but so much more is being held what truly happened to the monsters because they have their own story to tell.


Wander through the laboratory with and solve some simple puzzles but with intresting mechanics and horror to spice up the experience and make this a fun yet somewhat scary experience. The dark decrepit halls echo with the noise of the clanks of the vents. Monsters roam the dark halls and you must use your tools to stun and avoid them. This is a pixelated free roam adventure and please excuse if it is not that scary.


This is my first real project and just a passion project I am making and I am just going to say if anything most horror is going to come from the sound design since right now this is for me to learn. Future games I want to focus more on horror.

#horror #adventure #action #survival

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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