What Is The Victims?
You broke the game again.
Instructions will be in the game #horror #fangame #actionCredits: Everything Belongs to their ownersGame is cancelled due to too much stress making it
Exaster's coming back soon, he is getting a reworked version of his game soon, stay tuned for...SONIC.EXE: THE DISASTERING KILLSWith new Easter eggs and boss battles, and maybe voice acting for Exaster Coming soon
Added more to the Dead Turbo Easter egg
Easter Egg teaser
This game will take a while to finish, probably my biggest work yet, if you want to see some non Sonic.EXE Content when this game is done, let me know
Beta Teasers Are @Chuckles_The_Echidna @ElijahDotheHedgehog @CatCodyDevenay And @MateyMarc , non beta testers can't show this ANYWHERE, only private