
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hello, I played your game and I like the animation, and some of the gameplay. I think the sounds should be turned down a bit, even before the player actually turns down the sounds optionally.
My biggest concern is the drawing style. This game has its own unique style of being drawn, but I feel that some of it is not drawn to the style of the game, breaking the illusion of the game itself. For instance, Dobuki is drawn a certain way, but everything around him isn't. In my opinion I would have rather that everything in the game was drawn to the same style as Dobuki, but that is my opinion.
Overall, I can see the effort you put in this game! Good Work!

Dobuki must travel three different planets, fight enemies and solve puzzles in order to save the galaxy against the tyrant Emperor Lik Wang.

This is a point-and-click RPG adventure. The whole game is played with the mouse.

Note: You can hold down the mouse button to accelerate the dialog.

If you're stuck, maybe you can discuss on the community board:

Wanna know more about the game's development? Check out this blog post:

UPDATE: Just fixed the issue where you got stuck in the maze when using inventory.

#dobuki #webgame #rpg #pointandclick #gjfest

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

Windows / Mac versions available for download

You can now download the game to play it on your computer all the time!
The Android version is also still available:

Dobuki's Epic Journey now available online and on Android

Dobuki’s Epic Journey is an adventure RPG in space!
Check it out on Gamejolt or on the Google Play Store.