
Comments (5)

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Updated Review #1 - The jetpack works now, and I can't just stand still because I will die :P. This increased the fun value of this significantly. I just noticed a new problem however. When you turn the other way, the character "flips" completely, meaning the gun is where the jetpack was, and the jetpack is where the gun was. And when you look back the other way, its the same thing, because you're changing the sprites and just flipping them. Your origin point is probably at the top left (0,0). Maybe if you had the origin at the center of the character, then he wouldn't just "teleport" every time he looked the other way. Also, the shooting is a lot less painful on the ears now. These changes earned you an extra star. 4/5. Fix the sprite problem and the aiming animation and this is a 5/5 from me. Also, please note that everything I say in my reviews is simply advice and I am not telling you that you HAVE to change these things. They are just my opinion from a player's perspective. When I began developing games I had to learn these things the hard way :(

Alright, time for an in depth review. The first thing I noticed was that the shooting sound overpowers the music, and gets really, really annoying after about 10 seconds of continuous fire. Which brings me to my next point. All I had to do was stand in the middle of the room and I didn't get hit once. I could have done that indefinitely and no zombie would ever touch me, not even the grey zombie boss that comes in after about 2 minutes. Third, the jetpack only works when you press up but when you press left or right in the air, you fall back down. This is unintuitive, but it really doesn't matter because when I did use the jetpack I lost control of my aim and fell into a horde of zombies, thus dying instantly. The jetpack has no putpose if the entire game can be beaten by standing in the middle of the room. Fourth, is the animation. Now, I am no animater myself, and I cannot draw sprites to save my life, but the least you could have done is have him aim the gun at whereever the mouse is. Instead he just aims in one of two directions, left or right, and the bullets just don't look natural coming out of the gun in all directions if the gun doesn't aim at the direction that you're firing. Overall, this game needs a lot of polish for it to be any fun, but it has potential. For now though, I can't give it anything higher than a 3/5. The reason it's not a 1 or a 2 is because it can be called a game and it does have sound and animation, but almost all fun is lost because of the issues I mentioned above. Address those issues and you're golden.

Dr. Hanta accidentally created a virus which infected 90% of the entire population. Since he is responsible for everything, the CIA gave him their newest secret weapon with the mission to eliminate as much zombies as he can.

  • Movement: Arrows or WASD

  • Shoot: Left or Right mouse click

  • Start/Restart: Space

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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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