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It's Earthbound combined with classic Tetris style gameplay! Based on a very popular RPG series from Japan, play as your favorite characters from all 3 Earthbound titles such as Paula, Poo, Flint, Hinawa, Loid, Flying Man, and others!

Stack up matching colors and symbols in classic Tetris fashion! Each character have a variety of moves that lets you take advantage over your opponent to win and make use of special items that will drop such as Mr Saturn, franklin badge, yo yo, food from garbage cans, and more!

Play through Story Mode as you watch and read cutscenes about Paula's adventure! Challenge against 8 opponents in each of the 3 worlds! Visit shops to buy items that will help you on your way! And from time to time, your mother will call you to see how you're doing with progress so far and might give you special items or tips! Sometimes another character besides your mom might call you to annoy you or waste your time with very little to no help if you're unlucky!

Unlock lots of hidden secret content such as characters, stages, and modes!

For Sega Genesis! (made with clickteam but simulates the graphics and sound)

Players: 1 - 2

Rated: E

Memory card: Not capable (passwords only!)

Note for cheat codes and walkthrough guide included! #genesis #earthbound #fangame #puzzle #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Upcoming Earthbound game and my very first one! This post will let everyone here know my page for this game is open for viewing! No playable demo builds yet but in the meantime there will info, screenshots, and more to come!