Comments (3)
the build is broken, and unplayable
Friday Night Funkin' - Dave and Bambi: Egg Paradox
The current completed build
Friday Night Funkin' - Dave and Bambi: Egg Paradox - Cancelled Build
The Canned Dave Update for the mod
The Crossover Expansion
Used for the Canned Build. Stores all the crossover songs.
IDK what to put here but it's a mod where the universes of Tamagotchi (Tamagotchi OCs to be specific) and Dave and Bambi combine.
Team Tamacircuit
@Omega138 - Main Director
@StarryCake - Assisting Scriptwriter, Co-Director, Composer
G-Corp Mania - Composer, Artist
@Kazzy_Khaos - Artist
SynthPurple - Composer
D-Plushies - Composer
@Perkk - Artist
@headshotsniper42069 - (Former) Coder
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed