
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Funny game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)

Thank you for a super great math/adventure game.

A monochrome adventure game of mathematical proportions. Play as X, a math variable, and go on a quest to rescue your friends, Y and Z, from the Mathematician.

Originally created for #AdvJam2016 | Cast your vote here!

Inspired by Undertale and The Legend of Zelda

#RPG #Math #Educational

To succesfully play this game, one should have some basic algebraic math knowledge

Credit to chris for Bad Mofo font, and Fonts for Flash for FFF Forward font


Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Fixes and updates on the way!

Mac & Linux users needed!

Future Updates!

Now out!

After two weeks of development, Equation Quest is finished!

Go download it now on the main page!


Coming soon!

Equation Quest is coming very soon!

Expect it be here by 8 PM CST on Friday, May 20th.

Here’s a screenshot to satisfy some of your hype:

Stay tuned,