Play as Henry, a special agent that explores the darkness and the chaos of the Site 28, a laboratory where he was sent for a mission. The secret laboratory got consumed by a failed experiment that transformed every worker here in a zombie, and by progressing into the game you will unfold the dark truth behind that place. That's one of your main tasks, including survive the dangers of the mission and make important choices that will determinate your fate
In Exhalis, the gameplay is based on exploring, surviving and killing. As Henry, you must explore the Site 28 solving various puzzles and defeating zombies. You have limited resources like healt, bullets and items, so you must also monitor them. The mission of the protagonist is finding a scientist in the lab, Dr. Allan Schulze, but not everything goes exactly like the plans. Every decision you make can eventually shape the game in different ways, so act carefully before choosing something.
Game Creator: @italianproject
Programming: @tiek
3D Models: @Gioswellekampz
GUI, Main Menu & Logo: @Davidox
Soundtrack: @fegal304