Comments (12)
Hey im Statichead from Project R3D a new fangame event and i was wondering if you could showcase a trailer for you game at it. It takes place in Q2 and Q3 of 2023 if your interested read this https://gamejolt.com/p/project-r3d-xrmtfids.
I like the look of this game
So Is this a remake or something entirely diffrent?

Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
We are so glad to have you be a part of the Fazbear family!
As the new security guard, your job is to spen the night in our establishment and make sure that nothing goes wrong after-hours.
Now, since we know that such a position can be stressful to first get into...
We managed to make it even easier and less compensable!!! Providing you with our new and improved H.E.L.P.I. tablet! An A.I. programmed to respond to your questions and make you access to all of our systems, including the new and so long requested security cameras!!!
But remember that you will have to complete all of your tasks before the end of the shift, or we will have to fire you and you'll never
leavesee this place ever again!!!So just stay commited to your duty, don't ask questions, follow the establishment's rules, and last but not least DON'T get close to the animatronics.
As always,
Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any tipe of death or possible dismemberment.
Ideas and management - @AAAAAA_6 and @gigio2025
Models - Ufmp and @gigio2025