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Frightful Nights at Roggy's DEMO
This is a Update to fix errors previous from the other realse. The demo will not get any update but the full game will.
Frightful Nights at Roggy's Full Game
Charitys For You to Check Out:
FULL'S Progress:
Art: 100%
Programming: 100%
Music/Audio: 100%
Models: 100%
Story: 100%
Scenes: 100%
Overall: 100% Complete
FULL GAME Planned Realse Date: Jan 13th - 15th 2017
"Welcome down, where the kiddies eat and welcome down where you beat the heat at Roggys Restruant!"
Welcome back, we are opening in a few days so, we need someone to keep watch so no one breaks in to steal things. Happen once before. Uhh, stay keen becuase the robots, yeah the robots here are a bit... a bit aggressive. The managment says i cant say anymore. Hope you can do this, and hope you like your pay. Best pay around. 32$ per hour
2 months after fredbears dinner shutdown, the owner sold some parts to Will Rogger. Parts include: 3 arms, 1 head, 1 foot. Keep quiet though. no one needs to know.
Keep a keen eye on those cameras, they are the last shot you have. The desk is for you to hide in fear. Here is two things for you to know recruit. One, Do NOT make them mad, Two, there is a reason for the desk.
F to toggle light
click butons for actions
Quick Keys in the text files
Once open cams:
1-4 to switch cams
Survival Guide:
-Hide when they are in the room
-If the dog comes in, do NOT hide
-Rest instructions in Text File
-Roggy The Rabbit
-Rogger The Bunny
-Raggney The Dog
-Rog The Frog(Relocated)
-Roughty The Cat(Relocated)
Comp. Type:Windows 7/8/8.1/10
maybe: XP ( will be untested)
RAM : 2GB RAM or more
Graphic Card: Up to-date
Anything else: Have it be as top notch as possible
Credits(For Full Game):
Programmer - Joey Bost
Textures - Google Images
Modeler - Joey Bost/Wyatt Peterson
Story Planner- Joey Bost
Voices - Joey Bost/Wyatt Peterson
Credits(For Demo):
Programmer - Joey Bost
Textures - Google Images
Modeler - Joey Bost
Story Planner- Joey Bost
Voices - Unplanned
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language