

The slimes are coming...
Build defenses to slay the horde of baddies coming your way! Dodge, weave, and stumble your way through the waves of blades and spells making their way to cleave right through Your Groblinness!
Groblin Survivors is a 2D bullet-hell tower defense horde survival roguelike et cetera I'm working on turning into a full game. Instead of new auto-attacks, your upgrades are towers! This was an idea I had cooking up during BRJ (cough cough LINK cough cough) but I ended up going with a different idea. Eventually decided, "Screw it, I wanna make something" and instead of coming up with a new original idea I looked through my old ideas 'till I found something I liked. Bada bing bada boom, behold, Groblin Survivors!
*NOTE: Sorry, I couldn't get an HTML version working! Gamejolt doesn't seem to support SharedArrayBuffer, which Godot 4.0 html games require. To play an HTML version, please go here:
WASD to move.
RClick to pick up a tower.
LClick to place it.
Simple as.
FartFish: Programmer, Game Designer, Artist
Cardboard Moon: Musician, SFX Designer
In Da Works:
More towers (mainly combo towers, but I have some ideas for some base towers as well)*
More effects + matching totems*
WAY more waves (currently like 6 planned)*
More upgrades*
Relics* (that's right there's gonna be RELICS (eventually (when I get around to it (but not in the free version (and the paid version (which will be on steam) probably won't be out for like at least a month or so)))))
Implementing SFX
Rebalancing (this game is horribly balanced)
*Will not be implemented in free/public version
"This is the best game I have ever played in my life, truly the course upon which I shall travel has irreversibly altered and my time on this green Earth is forever changed. Truly, FartFish, you are a genius game developer and I will worship you until the end of times. Is there any way I can help?"
Yes, there is! Give me your money.
Jokes aside, every penny counts -- I want to put this game on Steam, and Steam unfortunately hates everyone (has a paywall) and is basically a dictator (has a paywall) and probably hates dogs and cats n stuff too (has a paywall). So I need money to put this game on Steam, and we can all band together and speed this process up by you giving me your hard-earned cash.
If you don't want to, though, (understandable I wouldn't give me cash either, I'd probably spend it on useless stuff like Food and Water and Crippling College Tuition) there are other ways you can help. At the moment, my plans aren't so huge that I'll need any new team members, but you can make your mark on the game by leaving some feedback! I really want this game to be the best game it can be so any and all feedback is more than welcome!
In conclusion please give me money. And also leave feedback. Please.
also join the discord here
#roguelike #towerdefense #bullethell #arcade #action #pixelart #hordesurvival #survivorslike #topdown