
Comments (2)

What do you think?

This game looks to be a little promising might come and play it when not in alpha stage.

Magic had been extinct for millennia. Nearly all those who could wield it were killed long ago, and some unknown technology was used to seal the powers of those who remained. Now, however, as the world descends into chaos and war, magic will once again reveal itself to mankind...

You are from the small backwood town of Dugsbury. You're a self-proclaimed adventurer, who barely gets by with what little coin you earn, and you're about to be wrapped up in one of the biggest calamities in over 1,000 years.


#rpg #adventure

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

heres some screenshots from the current build

im trying to rework just about everything about the game rn

I'm hoping to have a public build up soon, all I want to do first is finish building up the world around the circled area, and try to fix as many bugs as possible, and add a few QOL changes.

Opening sequence is now mostly finished, first "boss" is finished. I'll work on building up the rest of the world before making anymore quests or expanding on the story.

ngl i kinda forgot this game existed, anyway i went and started working on it again

dont expect much lol

As of now, this is just a page for builds to be shared among devs and those with access keys.