
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This can go a long way. I enjoy nostalgic-like graphics a lot. :^)

so much potential.

I am rubba and you are gloo, you words bounce off me and my words stick on you :D
Good beat'm up with its unique concept! :)

The beast tribe of Gloo is causing trouble in town and it's up to Rubba to stop them. He isn't really trained in the art of direct magical combat, but he has of photographic counter-spells.

His camera allows him to capture the magic missiles cast by his enemies and shoot them right back. Different enemies have different elemental affinities; part of your counter-strategy is to know how to exploit them.


Default Mappings

  • Button | Keyboard | Controller

  • [↑] | Up Arrow | Left Stick/D-pad Up

  • [↓] | Down Arrow | Left Stick/D-pad Down

  • [←] | Left Arrow | Left Stick/D-pad Left

  • [→] | Right Arrow | Left Stick/D-pad Right

  • [1] | X | X

  • [2] | C | A


  • Action | Buttons

  • Move | [↑][↓][←][→]

  • Capture Magic | Press (and hold) [2]

  • Return Fire | [1]

  • Flash Counter | Press [2] (when close to a casting enemy)

  • Open Chest | Press [2] (when close to a chest)

  • Fullscreen toggle | F4

  • Cycle colour paletttes | F5

  • Disable colour palettes | F6

Lessons in Photographic Counter-Magic

Lesson 1

When an enemy shoots a magic missile at you, press [2] at the right time to capture it into your camera. Each captured projectile gives you two shots of the same element. Press [1] to shoot the projectile back at the enemy. You can only
stockpile eight shots of one type of element at a time.

Lesson 2

There are four different elemental types: lightning, leaf, fire, and water. The mages of the beast tribe of Gloo spent countless hours honing their craft in a single element, which leaves them more susceptible to their counter-element.

The cycle goes: Leaf → Lightning → Water → Fire → Leaf

Lesson 3

If you're feeling brave, you can press [2] while standing directly in front of an enemy who is preparing to cast a magic missile to execute a Flash Counter. The sudden bright flash from your camera will startle the enemy into dropping its missile onto its head, inflicting major damage.

Mild Fantasy Violence

v.1.4.0 released!

v.1.3.0 released!

v.1.2.1 Hotfix Released!

v.1.2.0 Released! Show me the Money!

v.1.1.0 Released!