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Controls below.
I believe all bugs are ironed out.  (As of 14/03/23 I believe I ironed them all out, I randomly played and found one. I believe this is fixed.)
I know that - The character in the egg-finding screen does not go away after the first viewing, if you go into the toilets and come back out. (Actually this should be fixed, I've found....)
Water triggers are iffy.
Whenever I upload a new version, you WILL lose your save file. Unless you're in Chrome. Then whatever version you played will stick, apparently.

Originally released on Itchio on 31st May 2022, updated over the next couple of years.

Most recent update for August 21st 2022 - ADDED AN ANIMATED LOGO.

These characters and events here do not affect the canons of their original games/other games they are in outside of this Mashup Set/Series.

Controls -

Movement - WASD/ Arrow keys
A = Enter
B = Shift
Start = c (Start on Title Screen, nothing mapped to it in-game.)
Select = v (Switching character, used for advancing the story at times so best try it for different interactions!)

Basically -

This is a mashup of various backgrounds and characters (Most original, some direct from RPGTsukuru or Animorphs) that I (for original stuff) have made/altered over the two years I've been learning to make games. At least two time periods from medieval to present/futuristic, so maybe 3.
The storyline came from collecting a bunch of event points and throwing them into a randomiser then improvising a coherent story out of them, and winging the dialogue as I made the game according to the plot events.

I thank my friend Kingslayer for wanting a multiverse for inspiring this XD

More thoroughly explained -

As of 31st May 2022, I have been practicing for my challenge stream for, (To use one set of assets to make up a game Using Other People's Ideas On The Day. I am not allowed to script/plan it or know ideas before starting the event.) I have been making a game on the spot.

I admit I came up with the 15-ish plot events myself (looking at various books/DVDs/games around me + using Tavern Boy's original wanted idea) and dumped them into a randomiser, also decided on charas & who has what happen, so it's not QUITE the same as 'Improvise with no pre-planning or event/character ideas' but I am basically only using what I have (made/recoloured) at this moment.

I've 'cheated' in the ways of updating my first ever backgrounds to ones that better fit the tile (8x8-pixel) limits, and using basic characters from RPG Tsukuru/Animorphs.

I know the character in the egg-finding segment is glitched. I cannot TRUE them into vanishing after the first sighting.
I know the water sprite triggers are iffy. Pfft. It's fine with one character but multiple....???? XD I'll figure it out for the 3rd WIP game for my series.
They DO change, but you need to manually change the characters to see land VS water.

This game was also inspired by my friend Kingslayer saying I needed to do something with a multiverse so HERE YA GO!


Games/Franchises I've made these backgrounds/characters for - (Not just recoloured existing already, made with other assets from scratch)

Detroit Become Human (Mostly the fanseries by Octopunk I'm working on an adaption of, or my own fangame - So areas and character has been used.) (c) Quantic Dreams
Animorphs Canon/fanfic (c) K A Applegate / Scholastic
Zoids (Two OCs for this, one has been made flesh in this project) (c) TOMY

The Flood (c) Me
Game I made for my parents' birthday (c) Me
Tavern Boy / Potion Master /  3rd WIP game in series (c) Me
WIP Project with apartment used in live Stream Starting opening (c) Me
Zoid OCs (c) Me


Games/Franchises I've taken these plot events from -

A Party Member Goes Through A Vital Transformation (c) The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle
Befriend Giant Scared Monster (c) The Last Guardian
Check The Sunstone (c) Dinotopia
[Playable Character] Is Secretly A God (c) inspired by - not a plot point AFAIK - The World Ends With You
Two Teams Try To Capture One Character (c) Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Humans Are Minority, Mythicals Rule (c) Planet of the Apes

Finding Egg left in bar, princess raises Slime (c) Me
Alternate world, Time is Screwed Up (c) Me
Everyone Gets Cursed Into Monster Forms (c) Me
Assets -

Harvest Moon (Building exteriors, crops)
Pokemon (Character sprite bases, doors, houses, blocking rocks)
RPG Tsukuru GB (RPG Maker GB) (Castle interiors, barrels, dungeon desks, village/park/town tiles and Character Sprites recoloured, map tiles)
GBS Creator Chris Maltby (Cliff sides, ladder)
GBtilesheet4colours by rhys (Chair in Luiza's, desk altered)
HP1/2 (Simplified then altered chairs/sofa)
Final Fantasy Adventure (NPC Sprite changed to Harpy)
Final Fantasy Legend 2 (Baby Dragon) ??
Animorphs (Animal sprites)
Breath of Fire II (Mountain background from fishing minigame)
Harvest Moon/2/3 (Building roofs, tree)

Mild Fantasy Violence
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