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Game Soundtrack

4 songs

update 2.4

●aracnudus added: aracnudus has been added in the custom night, it will appear when the lights turn on, if they are on for a long time it kills you

●new save system: a new file-based save system has been created, it is recommended to delete progress to avoid bugs

#fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

After a fire, RHI found important objects damaged. New handlers are tasked to rescue them, but previous ones mysteriously died. Will the new person survive or share their fate?

After passing the good ending you will be able to access a section where there will be all the rescued objects, which are a total of 25 objects, these can reveal a large part of the story.

In this game there will be 7 characters to modify, 4 to activate or deactivate and 3 to change their difficulty

There are 2 new modes

escape mode: you will have to flee from brain that was destroyed by the power of the orbs

score mode: mode in which you will add points, as time goes by the more points you will accumulate

The game now looks better with better character designs and better room designs, which the old version of Imsomnia Chapter 2 didn't have.