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A game about life. What is important for you? What will you sacrifice? Choose wisely and discover the wonderful things that life offers.

Life (the Game) is an incremental, resource-management, strategy abstract-zen game (wow), where you are able to discover and enjoy the different aspects of life (the life).

At the beggining, you will find yourself alone, but suddently there is something new and misterious to discover! And... as carefully you take something good and give it to it, you realize it's something magical... So you will decide to add more and more good things and ... Hurray! Another new thing appears!

From there, you will decide that your mission in Life is to discover as many things as you can!... but, unfortunately, not everything in Life is good... and as you grow up, you find that taking care of your discoveries is harder that you thought...

Life was made in 48 hours during the Familiar Forever Jam #FamiliarForever for the Ludum Dare 38th Compo #ludumdare #LDJAM #ld38, thanks to Sergeeo, the organizer, and Merche, that gave me the strength to do it, and fills with joy every day of my life.

You may have realized that the intro of the game is a copy a tribute to Notch's Drowning in Problems game (Play directly here). I really recommend it, it's a great example of how a very tiny experience can mean so much for someone. Give it a try! ;)

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