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Game Soundtrack
Aminah (Maddie Doktor)
- 1.Aminah (Maddie Doktor)
- 2.Farming (Maddie Doktor)
- 3.ChitChat (Maddie Doktor)
- 4.The It (Maddie Doktor)
- 5.Come Apart (Ice In Chains)
- 6.Jack (Maddie Doktor)
- 7.Look Natural (Ice In Chains)
- 8.Bill's Back, Baby (Remastered) (Maddie Doktor)
- 9.WOMEN'S HAIR CLUB (Maddie Doktor)
- 10.Beacon (Ice In Chains)
- 11.Bleeding From The Headphones (Maddie Doktor)
- 12.Bad Trip In A Bad Place (Ice In Chains)
- 13.bikerpop<3 (Maddie Doktor)
- 14.Unleaded Diesel (Ice In Chains)
- 15.Right Hand Man (Ice In Chains)
- 16.Joyman (Maddie Doktor)
- 17.Laid Back Olathe (Maddie Doktor)
- 18.Makes you his B!!!!!!TCH (Maddie Doktor)
Disclaimer: This game should only be played after the official, original LISA series (the First, Painful, and Joyful, or The First and Definitive Edition in its entirity.) If you haven't played these games yet, you can learn about them at Serenity Forge's website:
LISA: The Dauntless has no affiliation to Serenity Forge or Austin Jorgensen/Dingaling. This is an unofficial fan work, and it is meant to be played after the official trilogy has been completed by the player.
While this game plans to include an alternative retelling of the events of LISA: The Joyful, it is **not** intended to be a replacement to LISA: The Joyful. The player should have played the original LISA series first before playing LISA: The Dauntless. Some of the changes made to the storyline wouldn't make sense without the context of having played the originals, anyways, so it's in your best benefit to play the original LISA series before playing LISA: The Dauntless.
-- Story --
The story of LISA: The Dauntless follows several disparate perspectives from several (seemingly) unrelated people that eventually converge into a tale that will determine the fate of the Olathan wasteland. Different perspectives are divided into chapters, which can be long or short. Your protagonists include an old coot, two different men on the run from two different things, a half-Fishman, a one-handed Joy Boy, a wannabe hero, and more. You're encouraged to get to know your party members and engage with the world around you as you unravel its mysteries, fight your own demons, and stumble into things bigger than you anticipated.
-- FAQ --
Q: When's it coming out?
A: Uhhh I dunno, I honestly work pretty slow. I have no plans of cancelling it, though, and I've made a pact that if I DO cancel it I'd need to compile literally everything I've done and planned for it, release it publicly, and offer my help to anyone who'd want to pick it up in my stead. I really do want to see it through.
Q: Do you need any help?
A: Quite possibly. I have most of the story written out, but I'm only like decent at mapping and I can struggle with the technicalities of getting RPGmaker's battle system to work (which is arguably the most important part). We could use a secondary spriter, though they'd have to be able to match with the style I've put forth for this project.
Q: Do you want any music?
A: I actually have more than one musician with me on the dev server currently, though I'm not gonna turn up my nose at donations by any stretch. Thank you for even considering it.
Q: Is there a public discord server?
A: I don't have time to manage one of those, so, no. I suppose someone else could make one but I probably wouldn't show up in it - I don't tend to go out of my way to engage with the fandom at large. I just stay in my corner and write and draw my little dudes doing stuff.
Pom/Pomberry - Lead dev, lead game assets artist
MaddieDoktor - Music, concept art, NPC design, story feedback and contribition, moveset design
Gamedevtest - Combat dev and story contributor (primarily on chapter 2)
Shock and Maw - Story and character contributor, character moveset consultant for weapons-users
DNA Gear - Systems contributor
Snekdrek - Systems contributor
Sceb - Story and character contributor, enemy concepts
Bri - Story and character contributor
Ice In Chains - Music, story feedback
Broken Sword/Rookie1978 - Music
Beasuce - Music
Taitoki - Music
Widdly 2 Diddly - Music
burnedman2234/Timebomb - Additional spritework/NPC design
Dimensonalbox/bituca - Additional spritework/NPC design
Finnish Engineer - Jack's original sprites, modified by Pom
Heximbudget - Some cultist sprites
Terry4 - Jack battle animations, some cultist and NPC sprites
Dingaling/SonOfColumbo/Austin Jorgensen - LISA the Painful and LISA the Joyful; basic systems, graphics, and concept.
Edvintas Kandrotas - LISA the Pointless; major inspiration, graphics, statuses, concepts
JCJimmy and the SOTWS crew - Scholar of the Wilbur Sin; major inspiration, graphics, statuses, concepts
Syu - Additional art; originally from LISA: The Loyal
#fangame #rpg #LISA #rpgmaker #lisathepainful #lisathejoyful #platformer #action #lisarpg
Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language