
Comments (61)

What do you think?

please take care of yourself, man! Put yourself and your sanity before anything else. You are amazing!

When is It Gonna Come Out? ME WANNA PLAY!!!! lol

Spiro is back, ladies and gentlemen!

a game about furrys robery drugs. i cant wait this man. what is the date of the game?

Martin an intelligent man coming right out of one of the most hopeless times in his life gets a grip on own fate once again. With great ambition he becomes an alternative type of entreprenuer, one that crosses the boundaries of the law. Being a small-time guy in the big city of Miami he will have to work with other factions to see his dreams of a higher socio-economic status realized. But with that comes the risk of betrayal and abuse.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference

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City Fill Up

There seems to be no end to all this map making.
Though the map is getting very big, there’s hardly anything to do.
Do you have a clever suggestion for something to do in the city?
Leave a comment, and maybe you inspire me!


Being in college and my job kinda steals my time for Game Making. Life has been rather turbulent lately. I am starting to get a grip on this new lifestyle though. I will continue working on Miami Traffic soon. Ain’t nothing cancelled.