Game Community
2 Members

Comments (2)

What do you think?

this looks awesome!) i alredy love the style you're going for with the sprites for Chester and Lazlo, 0kXairen! even though they look pretty similar to earthbound, they still look pretty good and have their own unique charm - especially Lazlo, what a guy...

although, i notived one weird thing with the sprite for Chester - when going up he has a small artefact in his hair to the left - two or more black pixels just disappear into non-existance whenever he walks... his walk cycle to the right and to the left has the same problems, but now with the top of his head - between patches of blond hair there are black pixels, but when walking they sometimes disappear and reappear... it's a small visual error but getting rid of it would help a lot!)

all in all, i have my hopes for this project - the music already goes hard and the overall idea behind the game is pretty cool!) 0kXairen i wish you only best of luck, nerves of steel and lots of inspiration during the development process!) take care!

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

A story about a boy who is infected by an alien disease, which slowly begins corrupting the world around him. Inspired by RPG's such as the Mother series and Undertale, this game serves as okayxairen's first real game, and is currently in active development.

#earthbound #undertale #rpg

Comical Shenanigans
Lemme know what you think of the new sprites and ways I could possibly improve them :00

Mindbent Mini Preview: New Chester Sprites!!
Lemme know what you think :0000000

So, I am currently searching for a sprite artist to go over the sprites I've made and revamp them a bit, while keeping the charm of the original. I don't have a TON of connections so this is not a super easy thing to do, but I'm trying my best.

To put it simply and honestly, while the Earthbound athestetic is endearing, I'd like for my game to have its' own charm that isn't just resprites of another game's (and I don't want Itoi-san to sue me) (2/?)

UPDATE POST!!! I.... have not worked very much on the game - -

However, I still have a lot of plans for the development of said game, and one of those involves finding a new art lead :000 (1/?)