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Mordım DLC is a project that I started to look at in 2013 then get canceled.

The game is going to have 4 episodes.

The game uses Unity HDRP.

There will be things such as:

  • 4 episodes (like in terms of themes,not like levels)

  • survival-horror gameplay

  • firstperson shooter

  • subtitles (aka no voice acting)

  • Official soundtrack

If it all goes well,there will be more than 6 games that actully connected together

#horror #other #dlc #mordim #survivalhorror #fps #unity #firstpersonshooter


Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Should I add hdr lighting to the engine?(talking about scratch-non fnaf parts)

Ok my plann is not working on dlc in weekdays so i can get rest after returning from school,

Aaand I will look at the dlc in weekends

Have a great day

- -Exofes games

Cam 3 remastered vs old

Yup there is school,and a phase that doing something that doesnt realeted to fnaf in scratch,

Sooo its going reeaaaly slow

But dont be afraid,I wont (atleast for now) cancel the game.

And I might post some remakes of the cams time to time.Or concepts arts

A concept art for satan

He is made from obasidian and the axe is made from obasidian too

The thing

(This thing apeared in my dreams 2 or 3 months ago)(İts color is grey)

Read the "more" part.



I have posted a history of development in my page!

(It starts from 2013)


Its a good morning and Joe wants to do some walking in the city.


Dont mind me,Im just tempering with the new engine I have just done. with a test sprite joe!(wach till the end)