
Comments (1)

What do you think?

This would be awesome

Set in a medieval time of blades and beasts. Master Or Slave, the choice is yours. Help the townsfolk with quests, slay monsters. Level up and earn coin to upgrade your gear.

I'm trying to make an RPG game that reminds me of the feel of those great '90's and '00's MMORPGs.
The POC is single player, though multiplayer support is possible. The demo just covers some aspects and many things are still limited.
#rpg #adventure #survival #strategy #action

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Just a quick video of some stuff, some areas of the new world. A couple features and a couple bugs. I did place a mob or two so there would be something other than atmosphere. Devlog (5/5/19)


Some productive days with good additions.
Resolved most issues with inventory interaction and item types.
Mob respawn is working, as are mob drops now.
Quests for "bounty" and item collection working.
Making a new map with multiple towns, graveyard, etc.

What's up:
-Kill Quest
-Buy shop
-Carry item
-Mob respawner
-Inventory (pick, hold, drop, (issue with non-consumables)
-Basic hud
-Game saves
What's not:
-Sell shop
-Sell from inventory
-Npc conversation
-Npc free movement