Comments (15)
Huh, something familiar
i downloaded the birthday at freddys in the official page, when i opened the game, it was night tubers. HOW
this isn't birthday at freddy's
100th Follower babyyy, I saw this game on CODENAME: Fangames, looked interesting, so checked it out, a pretty interesting concept ngl, Good luck with the game!
Looks good so far
Night Tubers Chapter 1 beta
In the year of 2074 a video hosting site called "YouTube" was shutdown. The Biggest gaming channels of the platform decided to make a museum called "YouTube-gaming history". The Museums tour consisted of watching old let's plays, eating and even talking to animatronic versions of the most infamous YouTube gamers at the time. The Museum was popular at first, but slowly faded into obscurity as the years passed, and eventually shut down. You're a broke student who's ran out of money and needs to pay rent. You decide to go to the abandoned museum to hopefully scrap the animatronics for parts, but are you ready for what awaits in the cold and lifeless rooms of the old museum?
@Redplay_1 - General modeler, Graphic design
@priest - Graphic design, Ideas, Planning
@SqueaksDCorgeh - Animation
https://freesound.org/people/jdpstar/ - Sound Recordings
https://freesound.org/people/ShannonAHoniball/ - Sound Recordings
https://flipapancake.itch.io/ - Voice Acting
https://www.youtube.com/c/beholdenspore28/videos - Modeler
@GoldenTrashCan - Modeler
Special thanks to
@NameNotJef , @cosmogames, @Just_Syron
, @PhantronGames
, https://soundcloud.com/monni-kala/tracks, @Matson
, @AnorexiaROTTA
, @martinarthur
#fnaf #fangame #horror #survival #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf