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N.U.T.Z. Pre-Alpha April 2018

Version: 0.21.0almost 7 years ago

N.U.T.Z. Pre-Alpha December monthly release 2017

Version: 0.13.0about 7 years ago

N.U.T.Z. Pre-Alpha November monthly release 2017

Version: 0.12.1about 7 years ago

The player controls a single character on screen that can carry a variety of different weapons and can freely aim and attack in a 360 radius. We currently support both mouse-keyboard and gamepad-controller setups. The game will feature collectible upgrades for weapons and armor that are located throughout the world of Zarda. They will enhance the characters abilities and enable them to access areas in previous levels that they could not and unlock new abilities.

Each character has a unique set of abilities that differentiate their playstyle from each other. Saya the Fox is a very melee and speed oriented chatacter, whereas Sil the Squirrel is more focused on range combat and heavy weapons.

Our game presents a unique artstyle apart from other indie games that are released. While most focus on pixel art of the 8bit or 16 bit era we've decided to apprach this from a different angle. Our artist was inspired from the artstyle from "My Life as a Teenage Robot" and infused the artwork with much of its inspration.

We certainly want N.U.T.Z. to be the best game and we have ideas that would enhance it beyond the base game we've presented so far.

Some stretch goals and plans include:
New game +, where a new challenge awaits you
Boss Rush mode
In game vehicles to take control of.
Fully voiced characters and dialogue.
Co-op and verses multiplayer (local and internet)
Ports to consoles like the Nintendo Switch
*Localizations to different languages

If you encounter a bug please consult our current list of known bugs
If its a new bug please feel free to report it. We also welcome feedback.

Minimum Recomended Specs:
OS: Windows 7
Processor: 1.9GHz Intel Core i5-4300U
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4400
Storage: 800 MB available space

Note: playing under the current specs will result in low framerate gameplay and will adversely effect the game.


Mild Cartoon Violence

Socail Media Update

Update 0.21.0 Released!

Late April Update