
Comments (2)

What do you think?

A better description would be good. Explaining what's coming, what the game is planned to be about, etc. What should we be looking forward to?

NOTE: I know the first game is still in ALPHA but I have a few more developers helping with the sequel so I can work on both faster. The sequel wouldn't have been made without them!

The game will have WAAAAAAAAYYYY better gameplay than the first one because I have learnt alot since I made the first game. The people I would like to thank for helping with the sequel are:

  • CactusShapedTiger (or CST)

  • GenrixMC

  • and a few more people I can't remember.. SORRY, GUYS! :/

Also, the two teaser pictures with the characters on them are not just plain pictures, there are some hidden goodies in there!

More information to come soon!

Mild Fantasy Violence

Early ALPHA-Testing was a success!

Full Trailer coming soon!

The full trailer for Orb Quest II will be released soon!

Orb Quest II Teaser Trailer Released!

The Orb Quest II Teaser trailer has been released, go check it out! [ ]

Also, new teaser picture… with a little secret, can you find it?
