Game Community
Play By The Cardz
1 Member

Comments (1)

What do you think?

This is gonna be a epic games bois!
Can't wait for it to come out!

You walk to school one day but something is off as the school is just blocked off, once you break in you find out that a zombie uprising has befallen your school and now you need to deal with these zombies using your weapons and the cardz you brought to enchance them

This action packed rouge like allows you to pick from a collection of characters to make unique builds and make new scores, it has an arcade like feel with tons of achivements to earn with unlockable characters.


This game is from my college and i decided to keep working on it as people seemed to enjoy the game

Like the sound of it? Try the not shuffled version here

Free forever to play and make crazy builds

Alot of things are planend for this rouge like. #roguelike #action #strategy #shooter

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Day 3

So I got a plugin for handling the access to gamejolt API now yippiee!

So I made around 10 thousand achivements now and i plan on working on reworking on the rank system works first so ranks aren't given to you all at once if you get multible

Day 2

Started work on the proper settings of the game, volume control and fast quiting is the only two things right now.

Also attempted to implement the gamejolt API for achivements, I am so confused with authentication

but thats mostly it for the day

Day 1

Simple progress made, mainly on the title screen and started work on settings menu, the settings will (hopefully) allow you to change binds and volume for sounds

Also starting to attempt to add gamejoly API for achivements, but i dunno how to lol