Game Community
10 Members

Comments (17)

What do you think?

soundtrack is great!

Don't give up just yet! Your game has a lot of potential, and it would be sad it this potential was wasted...

can't wait!

oh, this looks adorable

Best soundtrack

Game Soundtrack

107 songs

Tranquil Dreams


In the Kiku Village, there lives a girl named Pinori. What's so special about this one girl, you may wonder? Let's just say she's chosen to be a hero, a guardian, for the village. A protector of seven crystals bringing peace upon the lands. That's it... a Crystal Guardian. Pinori the Crystal Guardian.

One day, Pinori is being given the title of Crystal Guardian, and a mysterious stranger warps the crystals elsewhere! Poor Pinori didn't even have a chance to be hired before it was time to work. This is where you, yes, you, the person reading this, become involved. You, can you help Pinori retrieve each of the seven crystals? If you think you can, and you want to help her, give Pinori a download and try.

Completely free, don't worry. I'll never charge for any of my games.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Another person has voted for the Pinori prototype! "update the soundtrack" remains the same at 1 vote.

Poll currently: 1 person has an unclaimed prototype of Pinori, and 1 person says update the soundtrack.
I'll keep you updated every so often.

To anyone that voted I send them a prototype of Pinori, please send me a friend request so I can talk to you about it in DMs! (that's what I meant by "DM 2claim", also I had to keep it short because character limits lol

I just hit 150 followers! Big whoop, not a lot, lol. What do you suggest I do? Poll ends in a week.

  21 votes Voting finished

I really- I really don't deserve all these views anymore, like honestly how did I even get here? It's been ages since I last updated this damn page, even the SOUNDTRACK hasn't been updated in a while and I used to love composing music. wtf happened?

…. The artist blocked me

All I did was ask how the goddamn window system art was doing

He did literally nothing for me

(downloads are 0 because the game's not out yet)

Bruh I forgot to announce the 2K views in my discord servers LOL well happy almost 2.1k I guess

Whoop. It happened.

I haven't been posting ANYTHING at all and I'm getting attention rn. wtf lol