
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Best of luck with this, it looks really promising 👍✨

This could be the next big thing if it gets popular enough. keep your end goal in mind while developing, I would hate to see this get cancelled. You very well might go on to make something special.


Weegee kick

Weegee kick

Hunter Chronicles: Tara and Vyn is an #adventure #rpg game with turn based combat, inspired heavily by the classic "Mario and Luigi" series. It follows our main characters, Tara and Vyn, as they journey through the country of Asteria to uncover the secrets left behind by an ancient civilization, learning more about each other along the way. Defeat your foes with timed action commands as you platform across a vast world full of secrets and unique inhabitants! - follow our twitter! - check out our Discord server for little sneak peeks, more updates, and to interact with us!


Paro - That's me! I'm managing this site, and writing all the posts you see on it. I also came up with the premise, story and characters for the game, and I also am the one who's making all of it's music and sprites. I'm an amateur artist and musician, all of my skills and knowledge is self-taught. I am also in charge of writing the dialogue for the characters and overall area design and layouts.

You can hear some of the tracks I have made for the game on my Youtube page!

MaxLos - The programmer writing the entire game's code. This game could start development entirely thanks to him and his hard work! He's an experienced programmer working in Game Maker Studio 2, which we're using as our game's engine. - check out his twitter account!

GattaiMon - A recent addition to the team, he's handling all official art, as well as helping out with new designs for monsters, locations and NPC's! A really skilled artist with 20 years of experience, his skills are invaluable in helping bring this game's characters and world to life.

We hope you'll stick around to see this game being developed, as we'll post updates about various small and big things, mainly clips of new features and parts of the game once they are implemented. Thank you for checking us out, and if you read to the end and got curious, consider giving us a follow!

#adventure #action #rpg #platformer #marioandluigi

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Remember when the earlier Mario & Luigi games let you perform certain Bros. Moves infinitely? We do! Here's a look at one of the first Duo Attacks you get, which, once upgraded, lets you perform it forever, until you mistime the input!

[Sound on!]


In Mario and Luigi games, if a bro gets KO'd, you have to carry him while dodging attacks, which wasn't very fun - so we decided to scrap it. Instead, Tara or Vyn will just drag the other off-screen.

Also showing off the graphical overhaul for the sewers!


This one's a pretty big update for any Mario and Luigi enjoyers - a certain familiar attack is finally fully implemented, with all five ratings! From missing the command, to timing it perfectly, with different effects to accompany both!!


If you'd like to escape from battle, after choosing the "flee" command, you'll have to withstand one enemy turn before you can escape. If you're a higher level than your foes though, you'll flee without issue!

#screenshotsaturday #marioandluigi #indiedev


Introducing: the switch-up mechanic! During the enemy turn, you have two counters to choose from: jump, and hammer! The former is easier to time right, but the latter deals more damage, allowing for some risk and reward.
#marioandluigi #screenshotsaturday