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Points Tennis 3D

Version: 1.0.03 months ago

Points Tennis 3D

Points Tennis 3D is a old school style tennis game for PC.

First player to reach 10 points wins the match.

Your player serves only form one side in the match.

The tennis ball should be touched anywhere on the racket to hit a shot.


Press the A key to serve.

Press the A key longer to serve on the left side.

Press the A key to hit the tennis ball in the left side.

Press the S key to hit the tennis ball in the right side.

Press the arrow keys to move your player.

Press the R key to restart the match.

Press the Enter key to go to the start screen of the game when the match is over.

Press the H key on the start screen of the game to change to hard court.

Press the G key on the start screen of the game to change to grass court.

Press the C key on the start screen of the game to change to clay court.

Press the Q key to go into the window mode and close the game by clicking the Close button.

Thank you for playing the game. #sports #retro #action #arcade

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