
Comments (5)

What do you think?

This looks great. You could put up an early build if you want...

I expect this will be a good game.

A dark, atmospheric adventure that takes course over a single night. Explore a forest and an abandoned city, discovering layers upon layers of secrets: mysterious diesappearances, ancient myths, personal dramas, paranormal happenings, finally diving deep into the mouth of horror, madness and human cruelty.

Optimistic time of premiere: 2017
Realistic time of premiere: 2018-2019.

I keep chipping away at that game every day, until its bleakness and despair gets a hold of me; then I have to take a month's break and then I reapproach it. Already over 180 levels big, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of and control but I am dead-determined to complete it, and complete it I will.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language

First video demonstrating Poor Thing!

Hey, all you people curious about Poor Thing, please enjoy the video I made, showing some of the game in action. You can see it in the “Media” corner of the game now. Let me know what you think!