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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Echoed Dust (Demo Ver.)

Bit of a read here, TL;DR at the bottom

A long time ago, Pokemon had the ability to do all kinds of crazy shit, the things you've seen before basically. But one day, something odd happened.

They lost it all. They couldn't perform most moves anymore and all Pokemon could no longer go into nor be taken out of Pokeballs or the PCs. This made everything go haywire, Pokemon started blaming humans, humans couldn't control Pokemon, then a big fuckin war happens between Pokemon and humans, but since Pokemon used to be able to become weaponry, there's no modern weaponry, it's all mostly medieval. cool, we're mostly up to speed on that.

A Gardevoir named Melon enrolls in the Pokemon side and becomes a knight, she has her own backstory and all that, but like oh well lmao. A Lucario named Lex is existing in a completely different reality where none of that happened, he has his powers, he has a whole ass family, rrrright up until some extra-terrestrial force slaps him into this war-ridden world, right smack in the middle of Kalos. Everyone is at arms against each other, so he joins in and literally punches his way through everything, up until he meets Melon, well, "meet" as in "totally fucking owns her by surprise," that is.
Then, well, uh, rapping.

TL;DR: World at war, Pokemon aren't made of energy anymore, Pokemon and Humans are the sides, a Gardevoir becomes a knight, the Lucario is a dipshit, they meet, rapping time.

-5 Playable songs, 3 main week, 2 freeplay
-A new mechanic that's literally only there to be funny and annoying
-Lots and lots of effort.

the guys:
Dillweed (me): Artist, Animator, Director, Charter, VA
indigoUan: Programmer
mrObscurity: Composer

special roles:
Xyliax: Made the universe and base story.

(this all comes from a tumblr blog i liked. not the lucario, that would be my guy lmao)
(Lex originates from a once-dead series called In-Between, Melon comes from this universe. more to come.)

#fnf #other #pokemon

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

Hey, dunno if it's been made clear, but Powerless Duel's (lackluster) Demo released a couple days ago! go play it lmao

hey, final progress update

the mod's really really close to completion now, all the art and animations have been taken care of and now we're just down to finishing the music and the coding.

can't wait to show you funny knight gardevoir singing

a partial issue has just arisen, the blog this mod takes major reference from has just either been deactivated or full on deleted, meaning it'll be significantly harder to get reference for stories to use in v2. v1 shouldn't be too affected, though.

mid-april-somewhat progress update:

cutscene is done getting animated, just editing it together

music is, about the same tbh

programming is getting some progress down, yippeeeee

most of the main assets are done, i just need to give melon her new head lmao

owned lol